
Last Long Run...

It was a cool 58 degree F when I began running around 6 a.m. and by the end of the 8-mile run, the temp got up to 62 (with lots of humity in the air). This was my first run on the Shanklin trail this season.

In years past, the path was a part of all of my runs: nice and level, crushed stone, really good to run on. But then I started running CR 32 in pursuit of hills. And to end the first part of the season, I did a favorite route of around the circle of Goshen. Strong run will no hint of soreness from the left calf (yeah!).

Next week: a little longer run: about 3 times as far.

Listened to: "Wait, wait...don't tell me" and some Train.


Short run and the cool before summer

It's about 46 degrees f with a little wind and I ran the usual 3 mile route. 

Listened to Train and traffic wasn't really that bad this morning.

Apparently, we're supposed to be hitting a warming trend in Indiana: 76 today, 80 tomorrow and possible mid-80s next week. 
It was a nice cool run this morning.

My calf felt a little tight, but no pain. Hopefully I can call it a knot and not an injury and will have little to do with the marathon.


A little scare on Sunday's run

This was my step-down run to 12 miles. But around mile 9, my calf started to tighten (just like the injury from last season that stopped my Spring training). I was able to run-walk the remaining 3 miles and it's still a bit sore. Tomorrow I'm suppose to run and I'll probably take it for a test-drive just to see.

Other news: got a Priceline hotel price for downtown South Bend. We usually try for the highest-ranked hotel at $50 and we usually get something in Mishawaka. BUT, WE GOT the MARRIOTT! Yes, a 1/2 block from the starting line. We-Haw! This must be a good omen that the race will go well (or, that I get to take a shower before the trip home).


Storm's comin'...again.

Today ran the usual 3-mile route (listened to the rest of the Lost podcast for the episode that aired last night ... haven't seen it. Instead, we watched the hippies win The Amazing Race).

Tomorrow is Evan's sleep-over, friend birthday party and then Saturday is the 12 miler (it's all good from here on out).

Lastly, today-- as there is thunder in the distance--will mark the 7 consecutive days of rain (insert Noah allusion here).


And now for a short run

Route: 3 miles (8th to Wilson)
Weather: a cool 48 degrees f
Listened to: Lost podcast for tonight's show

It's nice to work some of the knots out of my legs...after the long run Sunday, I've been a bit sore and there's nothing like a 3-miler to even the muscles out a bit.


And now we taper (great words to hear)

Route: 20 miles...here's the map .
Listened to: Wait, wait...don't tell me, This American Life "The Allure of Crime", and the big mistake: Les Miserables.
Afterward: Usual soreness, but not bad.
Weather: Okay, really. Rain was in the forecast, but it never did rain. Temp: 43 degrees f and a bit misty.

Okay, I remember making jokes about men who wear tights, and this morning my tune is something like this: it takes a real man to wear tights (I'm not sure how that'll come across...but anyway). They were comfortable and allowed my legs to breathe and really I like 'em. My biggest mistake today was listening to Les Miserables during the last hour of my run...not exactly the "pick me up" that I needed. All the depressing stuff is in Act I and that's about all I got through. Note to self: Put "happening" music on when it's most needed.

So, it's tapering off from here on out and I finally registered for the race (just got my confirmation number). I'm almost intrigued by one of the perks this year:
Special drawstring backpacks - both Marathon and Half-Marathon
So, I don't know if that's those cheapo plastic backpacks or the ones like Andi got from running in the Flying Pig Marathon. Ahhh, the gift of running a marathon!

Anyway, it's all downhill from here!


20 tomorrow

The forecast looks like rain for a bit during tomorrow's run. Here's my 20 mile route for Sunday. Bonum Fortunum!


Storms 'comin'

Route: 3 mi (Purl to 8th to Wilson)
Listened to: the wind and the cars and the puddles
Conditions: 52 degrees f (25 mph winds from WNW: feels like 38), light rain.

And apparently there's a weather advisory for today for gusting winds...but at least I got a run in. Won't be doing the long run Saturday because of the Amazing Race, so Sunday will be the day when I can, as some may say, Taper. Then I'll register for the Sunburst and be happy to maintain some semblance of a tapering running schedule.


The Beginning of the long-run week

To catch up:
Saturday's 14-mile run went well. Beautiful weather (50s) and I listened to Wait, wait and the soundtrack to Rent (I know, I wish I could be original too and listen to something unusual). Route was the 32 to 11 to 111. Also, last week's runs were fine...just skipped the middle 9 miler (I know, should have learned my lesson by now...but I still get through the long runs okay).

This morning was 4 miles (I was concerned that Lori could get her run in, so I was a mile short or the scheduled 5).
Condiitions: lots of a.m. work traffic (hey, if you see a runner running toward you and that runner is all the way over, don't flash your brights at him and don't swerve toward him either...there's plenty of room for the both of you, okay?) 51 degrees f, with little or no wind.

Andi ran the Flying Pig Marathon Sunday and had a great time of 3:57:40...very excited but didn't take advantage to the wonders of post-run Advil. And yes, it does make look forward to Sunburst in 4 weeks. It's amazing that this will be my 6th marathon, and I still don't have a handle on how I'll do. I suppose that's why folks keep doing anything: the mystery of the moment (okay, that was just a silly pronouncement...for anyone who is still reading, I give you permission to leave now).

Tomorrow 10, then Thursday 5, and then 20 on Sunday (for some reason, we've got something every night this week...so it'll be a busy one).