
Hump Day

Route: 5 miles (Courthouse to 8th to Wilson)
Listened to: Lost podcast for today's episode; Wait, wait...don't tell me
Weather: 42 f (cloudy)
Afterward: a bit sore in the legs...just getting used to the longer runs and recovery from Sunday's run

I'm not really sure where the phrase that Wednesday is "Hump Day," but I've always avoided it like the plague. Actually, upon a 21st century Google search (because I'm too lazy to really look it up in a book....because books are more reliable than the internet) I found this:

An English language idiom for Wednesday is "hump day", a reference to making it through the middle of the work week as getting "over the hump". It is also unofficially (and with some irony) referred to as "the peak of the week".

(from Wikipedia)


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